Sheathing The Sword

Sheathing The Sword

The action of sheathing the sword is one of the most difficult and dangerous parts of basic training. Although there are some styles that allow practitioners to slide the back of the blade across the web-space of the left hand in order to position the tip of the sword into the opening of the sheath, in Yu Shin Gum Bup the tip of the sword must be placed directly in the opening of the sheath at the onset. This must be accomplished without looking.

  1. From step number 6 of cleaning the “sword-large swinging motion” above, fold the right wrist so that the tip of the sword touches the opening of the sword. The blade is horizontal and the edge forward. As the same time the left hand grasp the sheath and rotates it to a horizontal position.
  2. Swing the handle of the sword forward and insert the tip of the blade in the opening of the sheath. Simultaneously rotate both the  sheath and the blade to an edge up position.
  3. Twist the body to the left, allowing the left foot to pivot 90 degrees left. The right foot should more or less remain pointing forward. The butt of the handle of the sword should be pointing toward the opponent and the edge of the sword rotated upward
  4. Slide the back of the blade along the inside of the sheath
  5. Sheath the sword slowly and precisely. Be careful not to allow the sword guard to slam against the opening of the sheath.
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